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Microsoft Office and Windows Activation Scripts

A Definitive Solution for Microsoft Office and Windows Activation
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In the dynamic landscape of software activation, navigating the complexities of activating Windows and Office suites has often been a challenge. Enter Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS), a groundbreaking solution designed to simplify and streamline the activation process while focusing on open-source principles and minimizing antivirus detections.

What is Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS)?

Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS) is a versatile toolkit that offers multiple activation methods for Windows and Office products. Developed with a focus on open-source code and minimal antivirus detections, MAS provides users with a reliable and efficient means of activating their software.

How to Use MAS:

Method 1 - PowerShell (Recommended):

  1. Right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal (Not CMD).
  2. Copy and paste the following code and press enter:
irm | iex
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions for activation.

Method 2 - Traditional:

GitHub and Bitbucket

  1. Download the MAS file from GitHub or Bitbucket.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to the "All-In-One-Version" folder within the extracted files.
  4. Run the file named "MAS_AIO.cmd".
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions for activation.

Features of MAS:

  • HWID (Digital License) Method: Permanently activates Windows.
  • Ohook Method: Permanently activates Office.
  • KMS38 Method: Activates Windows/Server until the year 2038.
  • Online KMS Method: Activates Windows/Server/Office for 180 days (lifetime with renewal task).
  • Advanced Activation Troubleshooting.
  • $OEM$ Folders: For preactivation.
  • Change Windows Edition.
  • Check Windows/Office Activation Status.
  • Available in All-In-One and Separate Files Versions.
  • Fully Open Source: Based on batch scripts.
  • Fewer Antivirus Detections.

Activations Summary:

Activation Type Supported Product Activation Period
HWID Windows 10-11 Permanent
Ohook Office Permanent
KMS38 Windows 10-11-Server Till the Year 2038
Online KMS Windows / Office 180 Days

For more details and activation specifics, refer to the respective activation details in the documentation.


Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS) represents a significant advancement in software activation, offering users a reliable, efficient, and open-source solution for activating Windows and Office products. With its diverse activation methods and focus on minimizing antivirus detections, MAS empowers users to seamlessly activate their software and enjoy a hassle-free computing experience.

To explore MAS and unleash the full potential of your Windows and Office suites, visit the MAS GitHub or Bitbucket repository and embark on a journey towards simplified software activation.

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