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How to use Bookmark Feature

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Bookmark Posts
Fineshop Design | Bookmark Posts

Add Bookmark Widget

Here are some steps to add Bookmark Widget to your Blog.

Don't forget to take a Theme Backup before making any changes.

Step 1: Login to Blogger.

Step 2: Go to Layout Menu.

Step 3: In Header Icon Widget, add a Text Item Bookmark.

Now, Bookmark icon will appear on your Blog Header.

Customize Bookmark Widget

Step 4: Find the following codes in Theme HTML Editor:

bookmark: {
bmTitle: "Bookmark Posts",
closeText: "Close",
noBmIcon: "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(3.650100, 2.749900)'><path d='M16.51,5.55 L10.84,0.15 C10.11,0.05 9.29,0 8.39,0 C2.1,0 -1.95399252e-14,2.32 -1.95399252e-14,9.25 C-1.95399252e-14,16.19 2.1,18.5 8.39,18.5 C14.69,18.5 16.79,16.19 16.79,9.25 C16.79,7.83 16.7,6.6 16.51,5.55 Z'/><path d='M10.2839,0.0827 L10.2839,2.7437 C10.2839,4.6017 11.7899,6.1067 13.6479,6.1067 L16.5989,6.1067'/><line class='svgC' x1='10.6623' y1='10.2306' x2='5.7623' y2='10.2306'/><line class='svgC' x1='8.2131' y1='12.6808' x2='8.2131' y2='7.7808'/></g></svg>",
noBmMes: "The list of favorite articles does not exist yet...",
noBmAll: "View all articles",
noBmLink: "/search",
delIcon: "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(3.500000, 2.000000)'><path d='M15.3891429,7.55409524 C15.3891429,15.5731429 16.5434286,19.1979048 8.77961905,19.1979048 C1.01485714,19.1979048 2.19295238,15.5731429 2.19295238,7.55409524'/><line x1='16.8651429' y1='4.47980952' x2='0.714666667' y2='4.47980952'/><path d='M12.2148571,4.47980952 C12.2148571,4.47980952 12.7434286,0.714095238 8.78914286,0.714095238 C4.83580952,0.714095238 5.36438095,4.47980952 5.36438095,4.47980952'/></g></svg>",
addedNtf: "Added to Bookmarks!",
removedNtf: "Removed from Bookmarks!",

Replace the marked parts as per your wish.

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Contacting Us

Feel free to contact us through Contact Page or reach us on Telegram (@deo_kumar) if you are facing any problem while following the steps described above.

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